How much do we as small business owners really know about creating a culture of sustainability in our small business? Most of us have this idea that we must “go big” or “go home.” This isn’t necessarily the case, as we learn from Alejandro Moreno, a sustainability expert from Marin County, California and co-founder of VenturePad.
When we think of sustainability, we often think of the large-scale, energy-efficiency projects that don’t make much business sense to a small business. It’s also difficult to feel the dent or impact our small business can make, therefore preventing us from making the effort of “greening” our business. What we don’t immediately connect within the project of sustainability is that it requires changes that improve our engagement with The Three-P’s”: people, planet, and profit. These changes don’t have to be huge changes, but it does require an awareness of The Three-P’s and how each determine the success of any company.
In these practical steps, we outlined what a culture of sustainability looks like for a small business. In this podcast you’ll learn how a simple happy hour with your team can build a culture of sustainability. Enjoy.